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connectToDatabase(); //establishing the period we are checking $year=date("Y"); $month=date("m")-1; $leap = date("L"); //echo "month #=".$month."
"; if ($month == 0 ){ $month=12; $year --; } $days_in_month = array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); $days = $days_in_month[$month-1]; //echo "mes={$month}, days=".$days."
"; if ($leap == 1 && $month==2) $days=29; if (strlen($month)== 1) $month="0".$month; $visitDateStart=$year."/".$month."/01"; $visitDateEnd=$year."/".$month."/".$days; $join="select count(*) as cuantos,r.recAliasid,recAlias,r.recid "; $join.="from projectLog l, newReceptorAliases r where "; $join.="accessdatetime >= '".$visitDateStart."' and accessdatetime <='".$visitDateEnd."' and l.recid=r.recAliasID "; $join.="group by r.recid order by cuantos desc limit 100"; global $link; $rec=mysqli_query($link,$join)or die ("Error during quering pdspTEMP".mysqli_error($link)); echo "

PDSP K<sub>i</sub>

"; echo "

Top 100 receptors/targets queried between
"; echo $visitDateStart." and ".$visitDateEnd."

"; echo "
"; echo ""; //displays the Table with the 100 top receptors echo "
    "; while ($record=mysqli_fetch_array($rec,MYSQL_BOTH)){ // print_r($record); print "
  1. ".$record[2]."
  2. "; } print "
"; $db->closeDatabaseConnection(); include("footers/footer.html"); ?>